a little Touched- Licensed Massage Therapy
Karen Lewis, BS LMT

a little Touched....


Not all massage therapists are the same.

If you read the name of my business and you thought, "Ha! That's funny!", then you are my kind of client. I don't take myself too seriously, but I definitely take my work with you VERY seriously. I'm here to help. I do something I like to call "muscle re-education", as well as relaxation/rejuvenation massage, Reiki, acupressure, kinesiotaping, vacuum cup therapy (*NEW skilz*) and a heavy dose of client education. This is not cookie-cutter massage. Every session is different. 

Let's say you're into slow, super-relaxing, calming body work, then come see me. I do it.  I like it.  It's a useful tool in the wellness kit.  These kinds of massages definitely have their place in my practice, but they aren't the core of the work I do.  Not that there is anything wrong with "the relaxation massage" bodywork. It's very relaxing, helpful and soothing for most people.  Any massage is good for you, especially on a regular basis.   We all are trained in the 5 basic massage strokes that encompass Swedish Massage.  Then, something changes for some of us. *insert mad scientist laugh here*

I do deeper, more intense restorative work. Some people call it "deep tissue" or "sports massage".  It's a combination of many things and it is relaxing. I can promise you that when you get off my table, even after experiencing "therapeutic discomfort" from a particularly intense, localized session, you will feel relaxed. Very.  Just "don't poke there tomorrow".  You'll know I was digging around in something old and stuck if you do.  So, don't poke there tomorrow!   I might be working on something that's been stuck for a good long time underneath that shoulder blade and being "unstuck" can have.... consequences, let's say.  But in a couple days, you'll be all better and probably happy that you can raise your arm above your head for the first time in months or possibly years.  

I know people.

If for some reason, whether it be the misalignment of the stars, solar flares, or some other unnatural disaster occurs and conspires against our therapeutic relationship, I can probably find you someone in another modality or in medical practice that might be able to either help you, or reinforce the work we're doing.  Orthopedics, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Pilates Instructors, Yoga-ers, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Energy workers, other kinds of Massage Therapy practitioners,  Naturopaths, Psychotherapists, medical intuitive/clairvoyants, etc. I'm developing new working relationships all the time and am not afraid to refer.  I'll miss you while you're gone, but you'll come back.  Or better yet, keep a bunch of wellness practices in your life and see how much faster you get better!


You got what I knead.

Muscles, ligaments, tendons, and my favorite- fascia. We all have them, in the same basic order. You might think your skin is what I'm thinking of when I first put my (occasionally cold) hands on you. It's not. So women, it doesn't matter if you "forgot to shave your legs". The guy ahead of you has never shaved his.  Probably. And I might have also "forgotten" mine.

Besides relying on my anatomy-geek knowledge background and my practical skills, I also incorporate my knowledge of the body's energy systems and meridians when I work, and I can use my Reiki II training to enhance the information coming in and going out. Many times, clients have unusual sensations or feelings of "release" when I'm focusing this kind of work on a particular area.  We're stirring up the energy in the tissues and in the chakra system.  It's a terrific addition to the healing work. I've had people suddenly have a memory of childhood, or the taste of a food in their mouth, or a color in their field of vision. It's fascinating. The muscles hold memories, and when they are released, some people get instant relief of a chronic condition. The human body is an incredible system of components.

When I am working on you, I am seeing your components with my hands. I am seeing how things feel, if that makes sense. The pictures in my head are of the icky things you probably wouldn't want to see, but which I find fascinating; sinewy, stringy, wriggling muscle, fascia, connections, scars, adhesions, knots, "crunchies", etc. I work on what needs working. Sometimes, it's not the thing you think it is, but something else entirely that is calling my attention. Your back might hurt, but it's your feet and ankles that are the problem.  A trigger point in your left calf might release a nagging tension in your neck you've been having.  Perhaps your sinuses open when I'm lengthening your hamstring.  We never know where the problem area is hiding... I'll find it. Trust me. *insert mad scientist laugh here*


There is something to be said for simplicity. I don't use a lot of "tools" or smells or special oils/lotions. I like a hypoallergenic cream for most sessions. It smells a little like eucalyptus and peppermint, very mild,  which most people appreciate. I also have grapeseed oil and almond oil for certain work that requires oil.  However, if someone has a specific request, then I'm adaptable. 

When I do a Reiki session, I use colored stones and crystals, as well as a few essential oils to enhance the energetic value of the work. While I'm not sure exactly why this works, it does. And if you ask me how I know which stones, crystals or oils will be the right ones for you, I'll answer you like this: "I dunno. I just listen to the voices". They're usually right.

I work in this same "connected" frame when I do massage work. I "listen" to my intuition (the voices) and let my hands do what they are supposed to do, and go to the areas where they are guided to do it.  I think it's the Reiki slipping in and helping me out while I'm working the hard stuff. I have no explanation as to how I found that spot on your left rib that makes your headaches go away forever. It just "is". And I'm ok with that.

Oh, and another thing: There will be homework. I can't do all the work, after all.  I'll provide you with some simple stretches and some suggestions for self care.  Get a moist heat pack.  The ones you put in the microwave.  You're going to need it.  Oh, and some ice packs.  And some anti-inflammatories....At least for the first couple of sessions.  Don't be afraid. Really.